• jeantees fahion

    t-shirt women and men

    and many of them are smart and well-informed. They provide news carefully and they talk make sense what they need to tell. Since Russians show up arrogance and refusal, Nordic peoples believe, Russians are trying to legalize their criminal activities and this is why they dislike it. I was once...
    well-informed. They provide news carefully and they talk make sense what they need to tell. Since Russians show up arrogance and refusal, Nordic peoples believe, Russians are trying to legalize their criminal activities and this is why they dislike it. I was once trying to protect Russia at the...
    the Ukraino-Russian meat-grinder when the button “on” will be pressed by one party or another. And if the convinced Ukrainians might be ok with that, the Russians might be close to the limit of what they can tolerate of the Western “lethal” meddling in their affairs. And if the United States of...
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  • The Mäker Process

    We design and make everything ourselves.

    broken image


    The design inspiration can come from an observation of what's missing from a client's current collection or a simple UI problem.

    broken image


    We'll make small scale models to test out an idea and then build out a full-size prototype to look at the scale and proportion.

    broken image


    We work through several rounds of production samples to refine and tweak - until we get to the final product.

  • Shop Talk

    Commonly asked tidbits.

    How would you describe your design aesthetic?

    Modern with a spirit of ingenuity and a tint of ridiculousness.

    Where is your factory?

    Everything we design and sell is made right in our studio in NYC. From concept to execution - nothing is outsourced.

    How to you work with clients?

    We favor the immediacy of drawing and the tactility of a prototype over modeling on computers. And our clients benefit from the visceral reaction of seeing a small scale model or full size prototype.

  • Stop by Our Studio

    Come meet your collaborators.